My 2019 Book Blogger Award Nominations // AKA, Giving the Community a Big Warm Hug!

The Third Annual Book Blogger Awards

It is a truth universally acknowledged that book bloggers are incredibly lovely people that work damn hard.

Book blogging can be a tough gig. Sometimes you feel that you’re flying high and winning at the internet, and other times it feels like you put in so much effort and don’t get much back for it.

For this reason, it’s so important that we support each other! Luckily, at its core, this community is so wonderfully friendly and passionate, to the point where I regularly feel like giving you guys a huge warm squishy bear hug. Yup, and you’re just going to have to take it!

olaf hug frozen gifI’m Becky, and I like warm hugs, just like Olaf!

I will be forever grateful for the love and support I’ve received since stumbling into this part of the internet six years ago, and now, I couldn’t even imagine my life without book bloggers in it!

So when I saw that May was going to be hosting the 2019 Book Bloggers Awards, I thought it was an awesome opportunity to try and give back/shout from the rooftops about some of the amazing bloggers I’ve met along the way! You can read May’s post here for more information on how the awards work!

Also, I would just like to say I wish I could nominate !!!everyone!!! for this, but there are only a limited number of categories, and of course, this is not how awards work. Please don’t feel disheartened if your blog isn’t listed, because that doesn’t mean I don’t love your blog! More likely, it is proof of my brain is a holey chunk of cheese with a poor memory. *

*I’m already getting anxiety that after I publish this post I will think of a tonne of people I’ve missed and start sobbing in anguish.

So, onto my nominations (and lots of gushing)! 

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Best Pre-Teen/Teen Book Blogger (13-19)


Kelly from Another Book in the Wall is an amazing teen blogger! She’s seriously so wise and level headed beyond her years and creates amazing blogging content. She’s also set up a teen book blogger directory to highlight young voices which I think is amazing. It makes her perfect for this category!


Best Adult Book Blogger (20+)


Cristina at Girl in the Pages has been my book blogging buddy for a looooong time. I think we both have a very similar approach to blogging and like detailed reviews as well as analysing current book blogging trends. She’s an amazing all-around blogger with both awesome reviews and discussions, and I couldn’t imagine the book blogging community without her!


Best Book Reviews


Cait at Paper Fury does the most incredible book reviews. As a general rule, I tend to like more serious/in-depth reviews in comparison to full-on fangirl reviews, but Cait somehow combines the two PERFECTLY. She normally has me both in awe of her writing and insight yet also snorting out loud at her wit and enthusiasm!


Best Book Recommendations

I legit cannot pick any one person for this topic because you are ALL amazing, and I get all of my excellent book recommendations from you!


Best Discussion Posts


Vicky at Vicky Who Reads is a brilliant blogger. Her discussion posts on important topics always get people (including me) thinking and help start conversations that then span multiple blogs and platforms! I always feel like I learn a lot from her!


Best Blog Aesthetic 


CV from The Quiet Pond has definitely earned her place in her category, and more! Her blog is utterly unique, with stunning graphics she has created herself, including her very own characters who inhabit the pond that have their own personalities. So, so creative!


Best Blogging/Writing Voice

dragon-waffles-e1562962452779.jpgI feel like Ioana from Dragon Waffles has such a natural, fun and hilarious blogging voice! Every sentence is like a rainbow of awesomeness and I always end up giggling through her posts because she has such a way with words. This lovely lady is one to watch!




Most Engaged in the Community


Marie’s at Drizzle and Hurricane Books is so wonderful and always has amazing content, but what impresses me the most is how much time and effort she takes to blog hop and speak to so many other bloggers in the community, it’s really incredible! She makes everyone feel so welcome whether they’ve been blogging for years or are just starting out!


Best Personality

Novels & Waffles blog button.png

Kat from Novels and Waffles is just so lovely, kind, friendly and talented! Her blog gives me heart eyes every time I visit it, her waffle theme is drool-worthy and the related puns are so on point! I always look forward to her posts every time they drop in my inbox, and Kat is also incredibly kind and supportive. She could have fit in any of these categories, to be honest. It was hard to pick just one!


Friendliest Member of the Community


This has 110% got to be Olivia at Purely Olivia. She is the FRIENDLIEST, kindest and most enthusiastic soul I have come across in the community and her posts always make me feel so happy and positive! The book blogging community is so much better for having her in it and I do a little happy dance every time a new post of hers lands in my inbox. 🙂


Best at Promoting Diverse Books


I have to go with our book blogging awards host May from Forever and Everly for this one, because she is 100% my number one go-to for diverse book recommendations! Her reviews are fabulous and she always makes me want to pick up what she reads! I get so many amazing diverse recs from her and I’m so glad I came across her blog!



Best New Book Blogger (started blog after August 2018)


For this category, I’m choosing Lauren from Twenty Seven Letters! I stumbled across Lauren’s blog a few months ago, and I always find her post so detailed, thought-provoking and refreshing! I can’t believe she’s been blogging for such a short period of time because she writes posts like a pro, and is a lovely human too!


Best Small Book Blogger (under 1,000 followers)


Sophie at Me and Ink definitely deserves a nomination in this category! She is an incredible blogger who writes amazing content from reviews, tags, discussions and more! She’s unapologetically enthusiastic in her own blog posts and in supporting others in the community. She really deserves all the followers and you should definitely check her page out!


Best Overall Book Blogger 


Out of everyone I nominated, I had to pick Marie for this one, she’s just such an amazing all-round blogger, with great review and discussion posts, a friendly and welcoming personality, and she’s incredibly active in the community too!

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So that’s a wrap! Good luck to everyone who has been nominated and keep up your amazing blogging work!


Lets chat

Will you be voting in the 2019 Book Blogging Awards? Do you follow any of the blogs I’ve nominated? If not, I hope you’ll pop by to check out their pages!
Let me know in the comments what your favourite thing about the book blogging community is!

27 thoughts on “My 2019 Book Blogger Award Nominations // AKA, Giving the Community a Big Warm Hug!

  1. Congratulations to everyone who won a hug from Becky! I love this post and the unflagging support you give out to everyone you meet on here.

    The internet would be a happier place with more Beckys in it!

  2. BECKY! Ahh, I don’t have the words to express how much your kind words mean to me.😭Thank you so much for thinking of me for your list, and I genuinely teared up at what you wrote about me!! You are truly a wonderful soul and I’m so thankful for our friendship.❤️

    I can’t wait to go visit all the blogs you mentioned that I haven’t yet discovered! Thank you again for making my whole week oh my goodness!! <333

    • Awwh, I’m so glad that it made you happy, MY WORK FOR THE WEEK IS DONE. 😀 It’s honestly the best feeling to be able to spread the love and your blog is so deserving! I’m so glad we stumbled across each other in the blogosphere. 🙂 ❤

      Ahh, this makes me super happy! I hope you enjoy them, they're all awesome. 😀

  3. AHHHHH Becky 😭 this made my entire week, you are way, way too sweet, thank you SO much for thinking of me for these awards, this means the world 😭 ❤ ❤ I love so many of the bloggers you've mentioned and there are a couple I'm not too familiar with, I'll run to check them out right this second, thank you SO much for spreading the love ❤ ❤

    • Ahhh yay! I’M SO GLAD. ❤ This means my work here is done. 😀 I love being able to give back and share smiles and rainbows and whatnot. 😛
      I'm so happy to have been able to introduce you to a few new book bloggers, I'm sure they would really appreciate you checking out their accounts.

  4. BEAUTIFUL ANSWERS! You did a really good job writing details about each blogger you chose. I love Olivia’s blog! And she’s a sweetheart. Oh man … Marie and Nyx’s blog … GOALS!!!! Honestly, it’s like perfection ha-ha! I hope May gets an award … she totally deserves it.

    AND thank you for showing me all these new bloggers! I can’t wait to explore more 😀

    • Thank you, Jenna! I did debate just listing the names but that somehow felt wrong and wouldn’t have been nearly as fun! Olivia is so lovely and Marie and Paper Fury’s blogs are goals, I completely agree! May DEFINITELY deserves to win an award, especially as she revitalized the awards in the first place. 😀

      No problem, it makes me so happy that you’re going to check them out! ❤

  5. Becky!!! Thank you so much for, first of all, participating in the awards and writing such lovely things about all the bloggers you nominated, and second of all, nominating me for an award as well!! Your words are so incredibly sweet and mean the world to me 😭💕 I can’t wait to check out some of a few of the bloggers on here I haven’t heard of!!

    • No problem, May! It was my absolute pleasure and I jump at any opportunity to showcase other bloggers’ amazing work! It’s so important that we support each other. ❤
      Your blog is amazing and you 100% deserve ALL THE WORDS. 😀
      I'm sure the others would really appreciate you checking out their blogs. Thanks for hosting these awards May!

  6. omg I can’t even thank you enough 😭💛that’s like the BEST compliment I’ve ever gotten about my reviews!!! You are so lovely!

  7. UM HI LIKE THIS MADE ME CRY SO HARD (but in the best possible way). Your nomination and kind words really mean a lot to me – I don’t know how I can fully express what I’m feeling, but I will try: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUU!!

  8. UM. PLEASE EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO CRY???? BECKY. YOU SWEET HUMAN BEING. I can’t even begin to thank you enough for including me in your list with all of these wonderful people, nonetheless your super kind words. You absolutely made my year!! ❤❤❤

    It makes my heart so happy to see some of my favorites listed here, and I’m even more excited to go follow and explore the blogs that I haven’t yet found!

    Thank you so much again, Becky!!!

    • AHHHHH, YOU ARE MOST WELCOME. SERIOUSLY. Your blog is so awesome and everyone should know about it. 🙂 I’m so glad to hear this made you happy!

      And it makes me really happy to hear that you’ll be checking out the new bloggers mentioned here, continuing on the love. ❤ 😀

  9. I thought I had already commented on this post but I think some of my comments haven’t come through recently so I’m sorry if this is a repeat comment but I wanted to make sure you got the love!!! 😊
    The book community is a wonderful and supportive group and I’m so happy I found it *hugs all round* 💕
    I loved reading all the lovely words you said about everyone and I agree there are some wonderful blogs here which I love reading and I have even found some new ones from this post which is great!!
    Thank you so, so much for including me Becky– I feel so honoured and it means so much— I don’t have the words to express how much it means but thank you for all the kinds word. It is incredibly nice and so sweet of you!! 💛 Thank you again!!
    Great post– I loved reading it!! 💕

    • Aha, not to worry at all! And sorry for my super late reply to this! I’ve been in a bit of a blogging slump. :/

      Right?! Walking into the book blogging community is like getting a big warm hug. 😀 I’m so glad to hear you’ve come across some new blogs through this post as well to check out, that’s so awesome. 🙂

      No problem at all, you deserve it SO much. You’re such a friendly and positive member of the community and your posts are great. I’m so glad the nomination made you happy. 🙂

      • Oh it’s fine!! I get being in a blogging slump and if you aren’t motivated, a break away is exactly what you need. I hope you can break the slump soon!! 💛
        Yes the book community is the best!!
        Thank you so much!! That means a lot!! You’re too kind!!💛

  10. Pingback: The Summer Bucket List Book Tag // Beachy Reads and Starry Nights - Another Book in the Wall

  11. I have somehow not heard of this, despite being in the bookish community??! This is so sweet! *scurries off to check out all the blogs nominated*

    • Ahh, well in that case I am so glad that you came across it! It’s actually new to me as well but I think it’s such a great opportunity to share the love in the community. 🙂
      It makes me so happy that you’re going to check out some of the blogs mentioned! Thank you so much for reading. ❤

  12. I love love love reading these kinds of posts (!!) because I just (re-)check out blogs and bloggers and it’s such a bubble of joy and mutual love — one big phase of spreading kindness and adoration and I’m here for it!! Thank you for sharing! ❤

  13. Pingback: The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag! – twenty-seven letters

  14. Hello
    “where have all the becky’s gone”
    STOLEN ?
    Dragon crash ?
    Sold the dragon for cash ?

    Now just in a jungle someplace, dragonless, alackadragon!


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