Christmas Book Haul: In which I foam at the mouth from all the literary goodness.

I really love doing these haul posts. I get all super happy looking at pictures of so many books, and the fact that they’re MY books, well, that just makes it even better!

The title may be a little misleading, because although all these books apparated into my home around the Christmas period, not all of them were actually Christmas presents. This is where I have to tell myself off for potentially breaking one of my New Years Resolutions already, or at least severely hindering it! As you can see, I’m doing excellently at reducing my tbr pile by buying more books. :L

Christmas booksSDC13892
These were a real surprise for me, I had no idea I was going to get them! I’ve heard that they’re really good from various people, but because I read Cornelia Funke’s Reckless and found it really boring I was a little unsure about putting these on my wishlist. But now I’ve got them anyway, and I’m really excited to read them! 🙂
The book series – or the first book anyway, is about a man who if he reads aloud brings the world within the book alive! Now doesn’t that sound awesome?! 😀

SDC13900I’m also really excited about these next two books! Everyone on the internet seems to be going crazy about Divergent; it’s another YA dystopian book so I’m really curious to check it out! Call me a sheep. 😛 I’m not particularly sold on the idea of factions divided by personality traits quite yet e.g. brave, selfless honest etc., but I have been assured by a lot of people that it’s good, so I’m willing to give it a go. 🙂
I’m also looking forward to sinking my teeth into the latest book in the Kissed by an Angel series, especially since the last one Evercrossed ended on such a cliffhanger!SDC13904

TRUDI CANAVAN!!! YAYZ! 😀 This last book completes the Traitor Spy Trilogy (not that I’ve read any of the trilogy yet, lol!) I’ve been waiting for the last book to come out so that I can read all three books back to back because Trudi is a favourite author! I really hope they won’t disappoint. The series is set 20 years on after the previous events in The Black Magician’s Trilogy which is fantastic, so I really recommend it to anyoneSDC13907 who loves fantasy books.

I honestly can’t remember what this book is supposed to be about, and I don’t want to read the blurb because then it will be more of a surprise when I get around to reading it. 🙂 I put it on my wishlist after seeing it on jumbldminds blog post where I instantly fell in love with the front cover. I love anything that looks like old parchment paper or has ancient symbols on it, something about those kind of covers always draws me in. It’s almost like I start coming up with my own story just by lookingSDC13895 at the cover, it sparks my imagination!

Super excited about these too! The glaringly bright book covers all belong to the Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series by Charlaine Harris! They are the first 10 books which I treated myself to just before Christmas because The Book People had an amazing offer on them. I think it worked out less than a £1 for each book, now how an earth could I let that pass me by?! 😛

This one is a belated Christmas present which I only just got today, and yipeeee am I so excited! 😀 Tis a Barnes & Noble leather-bound classic and they only happen to make THE PRETTIEST BOOK COVERS ON THE PLANET. With the hardback, and the tinted gold pages, and the ajbjnfffff! 😀 I’m so excited to read this, it’s two books in a series that retell the story of The Wizard of Oz from the wicked witches perspective. I went to see the stage show last year (featuring Matt Willis, in extremely tight trousers *happy sigh*) and ever since then I’ve really wanted to read the books!!!
Can you tell I’m hyperventilating? 😛

Books bought from charity shops by family members for me after Christmas, out of the kindness of their own heart. 😛

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Woop woop! The film for Beautiful Creatures is coming out this year so I’m pretty excited my family managed to pick this one out for me! Major score. 😀 The Gunslinger also looks pretty awesome, as does The Far Pavilions. I’m pretty intrigued to read Lady Chatterley’s Lover too because of the history and controversy around it when it was released. The Dark Demon one however, I don’t think I will be reading for some time, seeing as I looked it up and it turns out it’s book 16 in a series!!!! Blimey.

Charity shop books bought by me
Yes that is correct, only 4 days after I promised to whittle down my tbr pile I went out and bought all of these! I couldn’t believe it when I walked into the charity shop and found this many great books! Usually I go in there and there’s barely anything.
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Atonement and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland hardly need an introduction! The Melissa Marr Wicked Lovely books captured by attention with their super pretty covers (although turns out I’ve picked up books 1 and 3, whoops, need to fill in that gap ;)). The series is based around a girl who can see faeries which I thought was an interesting twist for a YA book as it’s not something I’ve come across before. Graceling – a world where everyone is born with a special skill (the protagonist apparently has the skill of killing) is being talked about all over Goodreads so I quickly snatched that one up too. I’m a little unsure about You Against Me, it sounds a bit random but is written by an author who’s previous book I LOVED, so I thought I’d give it a shot. Kevin Brooks and Philip Pullman are also authors I’m familiar with, so I’m looking forward to getting stuck in!

I also borrowed these off my grandma! Introverted Analyst’s love of Treasure Island made  me pick it up, and the other one is just pretty, so should be interesting! As for The Righteous Men….no idea if it will be any good or not but hey, it was free and it has a cool blurb!

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Agggh I have so many great books to read in 2013!! 🙂

So have you guys read any of these books? If not, have you bought/been bought any new novels recently? You know how I love speaking book. 😛

67 thoughts on “Christmas Book Haul: In which I foam at the mouth from all the literary goodness.

  1. Have you ever read The Bartimeus Trilogy? They’re fun, set in a London where magic and genies are the norm.
    You will not be disappointed by Divergent, it’s great! Haven’t got around to the sequel yet (Insurgent), and I believe there may be a movie already in the works. What’s the Agatha Christie?
    I’ll take a look at Graceling, haven’t seen much about that one. Interesting premise.

    Foaming at the mouth indeed!

    • Nope, but I do own the first two books! I just uh….haven’t read them yet, big surprise. 😛 They look pretty cool though, I got them second hand off eBay. Genies eh? Hmm….
      Ohh I hope not, I read your review which was one of the many that finally pushed me to give it a go! Yeah I heard that there was the possibility of it being turned into a movie too.
      Ohhh cool, I’m surprised you’ve managed to get by without seeing it! Or maybe you have, but just with a different cover.

      Haha. 🙂

  2. I loved the Bartimeus Trilogy! I second the recommendation – I also really enjoyed Graceling and the second book, Fire. I read Wicked Lovely a long time ago, but I think I remember enjoying it. Wicked/Son of a Witch is a gorgeous book! I didn’t see the play, but it is quite different than the book. Just realize the book has a lot about the politics in Oz but I loved how the flying monkeys came to be. I read it also a long time ago and enjoyed it, but some people found it boring. My mom loved them all and has read every single one of his books…so there you go. Divergent was awesome. If you try to rationalize how the world got there, it isn’t as fun, just roll with the action and let it take you where it goes. 🙂 You have some awesome stuff to start off 2013! I am jealous of a few of those – looking forward to your reviews!

    • Ohh really? Hmmm this is intriguing, 🙂 I’d almost forgotten I had them to be honest! I’m not even that sure what they are about, but I remember thinking they looked cool. I will keep this in mind!
      Whoa wait, Graceling is part of a series? Awhh man, why is everything part of a series these days?! You see this is why my tbr pile is doomed. 😛
      I hadn’t really heard of The Wicked Lovely books before, they seem to of escaped my notice, hmm.
      Ahh right cool. I was actually surprised by how much politics played a role in the stage show as well, but by far I found it the most interesting thing about it! I think it gave it so much more depth so that’s a good thing to me. 🙂

      Hmmm rationalize….I shall try not too, but sometimes my brain just can’t help it. :S
      Thanks looking forward to many of you 2013 reviews too!

  3. Holy freakin’ crappppppp and LOLOLOLOLOL!! I knew you would increase your TBR pile and not reduce it!! You are too much like me when it comes to books, but now I think you are even more addicted than me. Exactly how many books are currently in your TBR pile?? You are going to have to start wallpapering your walls in books. I would give anything to check out your “library”. Oh, where to begin! I have read all the Inkheart books and really enjoyed them. I have Divergent and Insurgent on my ereader but have not read them yet. I am looking forward to them though. I don’t think I have ever read any Trudi Canavan books, so I am going to check them out right now! I also have The Alchemyst and the Sookie Stackhouse series but have not read them yet. I read Wicked but didn’t care for it at all – let me know what you think because I would be interested in your opinion. I read The Far Pavilions years ago and remember loving it. Ok, now I’m totally overwhelmed – can’t comment anymore. I’m going into book overdose, my heart is thumping LOL!! Oh, by the way, I spent a $50 Chapters (book store) card online the other night and got some amazing deals. I love buying books sooooo much. And also, here’s a new book that just came out for your to check out. It’s called The Death of Bees by Lisa O’Donnell. It looks really interesting :).

    • Hehee!!! Your first sentence made me LOL so much! I think we’re kindred spirits. 😛 Yes yes I know, you got me, you were totally right. Although I think this massive spree will do me for quite a while because I actually managed to walk into a second hand book shop yesterday and I DIDN’T BUY ANYTHING AT ALL! I picked a few up and then made myself put them back again, it was almost like I could feel the entire weight of my bookshelf resting on my shoulders and I could see myself drowning under a pile of disheveled unread books, LOL! I am so dorkily proud of myself. 😀
      Urrmm….that would be 187 now, ish- :S

      Haha indeed! I need a new bookshelf. I need a new room! I’m literally double stacking, I’m going to have to start putting them on top of the bookshelf soon. Hehee, vice versa! I would love to see yours, it sounds awesome.
      It’s good to see that our bookshelves/virtual books are overlapping, that should hopefully be a good sign. 🙂
      Oooh you should definitely check out Trudi Canavan, she’s so awesome! I love her writing style and she really puts in a lot of effort into her world building and the way that magic would work if it was real. I heart her so. 😀
      Hmm, interesting that you didn’t like Wicked….have you read The Wizard of Oz or are you a fan of the film at all?

      Hehee, book overdose, I know what you mean! Oooh cool what books? And thanks for the recommendation, and the long comment! 🙂

      • Yes, I agree – we are definitely kindred spirits!! I always consider it nothing short of a miracle if I leave a bookstore without buying anything, and even though I still prefer real books, I have become addicted to downloading ebooks because I found a website where you can get them for free :). So, I literally have hundreds of books on my ereader which I have not read yet. Yesterday, after reading your blog, I downloaded most of the Trudi Canavan books and can’t wait to read them. However, my favourite series and books by my favourite authors have to be in real book form and preferably hardcover. And, when I read a hardcover I have to take the cover off of the book while I am reading it, so that it doesn’t get wrecked. I know, I’m pathetic LOL!!

        When my hubby built me my beautiful bookshelves in the basement, people told him that I would never fill them, but they are obviously not heart and soul book lovers because they are pretty full already :).

        I read the original Wizard of Oz when I was a kid and watched the movie at least once a year while I was growing up. I was one of the most shy kids on the planet, but I actually played the Wicked Witch of the West in a school play in elementary school. I know, too funny eh? You should have seen me melt into the floor when Dorothy threw the water on me. LOL!!

        With my giftcard I pre-ordered Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare which comes out in March (ooooh so excited!!), Night Road by Kristin Hannah (looks awesome), The Search by Nora Roberts (haven’t read any of her books in a while, but I love them), and The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken (which I think I told you about earlier today). Happy reading kindred spirit!!

        Ok, I have to go because I only have 15 pages left in the book I am reading right now (Winter of the World by Ken Follett – awesome!!) and then I am going to start that book that I won in your contest (The Gemstone Chronicles)

      • Haha me too! It’s such a hard thing to do with all the pretty covers, intriguing blurbs and the cheap prices. Luckily I am safe from the eBook addiction, but god could you imagine if I had that as well!?! I would be COMPLETELY doomed! Lol! No way would I be able to resist free books.
        Ooooh you did? YAY! Hopefully you’ll be converted to a fully fledged fan soon then. I can’t wait to see what you think of them. 😀 Ahhh of course, because if they’re physical books you can stare at them happily for hours and stroke their pretty covers. 😉 I have a friend who is similar to you in that although she buys eBooks she wants to eventually get all the physical copies as well.

        *Sigh* I have a ongoing love affair with hardbacks! They’re so beautiful. Don’t worry, I do the EXACT same thing, so we can be pathetic together. 🙂

        Ahh right cool. I love the film it always makes me feel really happy after I’ve watched it. I haven’t read the original book yet but I definitely will before reading Wicked. Did you know there are actually something like 18 Oz books?! I only found out recently and I couldn’t believe it. Awwh wow really? Good for you! I was a shy kid too so I definitely get how much of a challenge that would of been.

        Ohh Cassandra Clare cool, I know people have been going crazy over her books but I haven’t read any of them. I must admit that I don’t feel that drawn to them but no doubt I will probably end up reading them in the end anyway.

        Hope you enjoy finishing off your book and reading The Gemstone Chronicles. 🙂 I will check out the program.

      • OMG, you really are a kindred spirit. I thought I was the only one in the world to look lovingly at my books and stroke their covers. Sometimes I even hug them! LOL

        Danger, danger!!! I’m going to Costco today (big warehouse store) and they have really cheap prices on books and lots of box sets. Any bets on whether or not I come out with a new book?? 🙂

      • Haha nope! I do it too. 😀 And yes I hug them as well, sometimes I even snooze hugging a book, lol! Colour me weird. 😛

        Hehe ooh good luck! I predict you will come out with……..3 shiny books.

  4. Good grief woman, you’re insatiable!

    Whenever I see Cornelia Funke’s name, I always think of Tobias Funke from the Arrested Development TV series.

    I’m a huge Stephen King fan, but I really didn’t get on with the Dark Tower/Gunslinger books. Others disagree with me, but there ya go.

    Treasure Island is pretty good. I’ve read three Agatha Christie books, all of them Poirot stories, but wasn’t overly keen.

    I don’t really know anything about the rest, but there’s some very nice covers there.

    By the way, I finished Hunger Games and I’m now getting close to halfway through Catching Fire. So far the good bits are good, but I’m finding it hard to actually believe in the world that’s being described. It always feels as if something is missing, like it’s lacking in detail and the dialog doesn’t really feel right either.

    The closest I can compare it to is 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 (even though they are different stories).

    With 1984, everything felt real. With 451, everything felt a bit daft. For instance, there’s a bit where a robot dog with syringes for claws chases some bloke down the street, which was stupid. A lot of the world didn’t really feel real, which is how I feel about the HG world. The bits so far with President Snow and Katniss just don’t really work.

    I’m enjoying them enough to finish it though.

    Sorry for the 451 spoiler by the way (though it’s not actually a spoiler).

    • Haha yepp, looks like I am! Although ohh god, I just had a horrible flashback of that Nadine Coyle woman and her terrible debut single.

      Hmm, that must be annoying, never heard of it!

      Ohh really that’s interesting, what didn’t you like about it? Was it not spooky enough or just different from his other books? Ohh cool you’ve read Treasure Island? Who knew Michael read classics! Lol.

      Ohh you did? Awesome!
      Really? I found the world really believable. That’s fair enough though, she’s not the best technical writer in the world, but I found that I got so caught up in the story that I barely even noticed it, and it certainly didn’t impact how much I loved it! It’s a shame, I hoped that you might enjoy it a little more, but I’m glad that you care enough to keep reading. 🙂
      I’ve never read Fahrenheit 451 so I can’t really comment, but I heard there’s a scene where they burn books *shudders*. I must admit, that does sound like a pretty weird/unbelievable scene though!

    • LOL, sorry to butt in like this Becky, Michael, but I just saw this now and I burst out laughing cause when I first heard Cornelia’s name, I also immediately thought of Tobias Funke! Although I was surprised to find that Cornelia’s name is pronounced differently, FOONK-ER as supposed to FYUNK-AY. He he 😀

      • Becky, he’s a character from an American sitcom called Arrested Development.

        It’s probably my favourite ever comedy series, simply because it’s so fantastic. There’s plenty of clips on YouTube, but none of will make sense to anyone who hasn’t watched watched it properly.

        There’s so many clever in-jokes, and so many absurdities about the characters that you need to see it properly.

        Oddly enough, despite how much I love it, it’s not always a guffaw out loud type of comedy.

        The critics loved it, but it only lasted three series (although some extra episodes are being made at the moment). Highly recommended though!

      • Michael, I already have a committee set up to bring the show back but it seems Fox Network don’t wanna listen to little ol’ me 😥 So YOU are going to have to vote for ME 😀 He he 😉

        PS. Beckster, it’s one of my top 5 fav shows of all time, so you have 2 testimonials now 😉

  5. Wow, and I thought I had a lot of books! 😛 haha. I absolutely love Divergent so I’m excited to hear your thoughts on it! I have Everlasting too but I’ve not got round to reading it because I have so much work on right now! I really hope it’s good 🙂 I never got into the Wicked Lovely series but I got given the 2nd book so it’ll be interesting to see what you thought of them. The Wicked book really does have an amazingly pretty cover, I went to see the stage show last year too (I think I wrote a blog on it actually) I absolutely loved it! 🙂

    • Haha yepp, I am officially INSANE. 😛
      Yeah I remember reading your review on it, that was one of the ones that influenced my decision to buy it. 🙂 I can’t wait to read Everlasting! I hope you can get round to it soon, especially after the cliffhanger. Mean mean people for keeping you working!
      Ohhh really? Hmm, I am a little unsure about them myself but they had such pretty covers that I thought I would give them a go.
      Hehee I know! I get all excited every time I look at it. 😀

      • That’s not a bad thing! 🙂 haha. ooh yaay I hope you enjoy it! haha I hope so too, I think maybe during feb which isn’t too long. Yeah I know what you mean I’m a bit iffy with them as well, it’s probably going to be one of those books that you put off then when you do actually read it you end up loving it! (well hopefully at least :))

      • Me too. 🙂
        Ahh cool, February is bearable, lol!
        Hmm… well at least we can be iffy together! And yes, staying positive, maybe they will be good. Only one way to find out. 😉

  6. So many great titles, and all of the pictures you took are fabulous! Loved Divergent, liked Insurgent, liked Beautiful Creatures, and loved Inkheart and its later installments. You’re in for a great book year…

    • Thanks Thomas, I’m glad you think so! 🙂 I had a lot of fun taking the pictures and trying to get the tree in the background to make it a little more Christmas-ey.
      Always good to know that you approve of upcoming books, I certainly feel like 2013 is going to be a great reading year!

  7. Wow, you got a lot of great books! I highly recommend “Atonement” and I’m sure you’ll like “Divergent”. It’s a thrill-ride of a book.
    Your edition of “Wicked” is so gorgeous, I’m super jealous. I own the paperback with the musical cover. It’s nice enough but this is really pretty. Also a fantastic book, much darker than I had anticipated.

    Cornelia Funke and I will never be friends, I’m afraid. I read “Inkheart” and thought it had wonderful parts about the love of books. But the plot left me bored, I didn’t care about the characters and – honestly? – I felt she sold out already by giving them English names. Just so she could sell the movie rights (and I hear that movie is a disaster). So meh for those.

    Oh yes, when you read “The Gunslinger” and don’t love it, do not stop! Just continue the series, it gets much better and is so worth it.
    Alright, enough recommendations and rants. See you.

    • Haha yepp I did indeed, I didn’t even realize how many until I put them on this post! Glad to hear you enjoyed Atonement and Divergent. 🙂 The main reason I was cautious of it was the sudden dystopian trend, and I didn’t just want to read wannabe Hunger Games book, but all the praise it’s getting is suggesting otherwise so yay!
      Hehee yeah I love it, it was a really unexpected gift but a great one!

      Ohhh dear… that’s ok, just because an author is popular doesn’t necessarily always mean they are good! Plus sometimes we just don’t connect with certain authors. Hopefully I will enjoy it anyway. :S I did watch the film and I would concur, I thought it was pretty naff.

      Ooooh okay, thanks for the advice! I won’t stop. I’ve never read any Stephen King before so I’m pretty excited.

      Thanks for all the comments and recommendations! 😀

  8. Holy cow, you got a lot of books for Christmas! You lucky thing 🙂 I was already very happy with the 3 books I got, and admittedly my tbr pile is huge, but I certainly wouldn’t have said no to more books. Divergent is nice, I read it last month and I enjoyed it. I’ve never seen that particular cover though, it’s really pretty! Atonement is on my tbr pile as well, I started reading it once but didn’t get very far. I’m going to give it another go someday though.

    • Haha yes, yes I did. 😛 I am very lucky indeedy! Hey, any amount of books is a good reason to celebrate in my opinion. 🙂 I totally understand the never-ending tbr pile struggle – it can go from excitement to feeling weighed down *sigh* Hehe, that’s a true sign that you are a self confessed bookworm!
      Ohh good, another person pro-Divergent. I’m feeling better about it by the minute. 🙂 No neither had I, I’d only seen the blue one until I got it myself. I’m not sure which I prefer actually….hmm dilemma’s!

      Ahh, maybe it just wasn’t the right time for you to read it at that point. 😉 Thanks for commenting and happy reading.

  9. Wow that’s amazing! I had thought I had gotten quite a few but clearly you’ve out done me by far! ha ha, Hope you enjoy those, I have read quite a few of them and they were fantastic (I liked Graceling very much)
    I also believe that whittling down a TBR pile is a myth as I’ve never heard of anyone I know doing it or myself personally 🙂

    • Thanks! I’m quite proud of my haul. 😛 I’m sure you did get quite a few! I imagine this amount is quite abnormal, I have a problem, lol.
      Ohh good to know that you enjoyed some of these! That’s always a good sign. 🙂

      Ha ha, you know, there might be something to that, you may very well be right. I know mine only ever seems to get bigger!

    • Ooooh another taker for Divergent, I’m feeling quite excited about it now. 🙂

      I certainly will do! I don’t really have much clue what it’s about, so it will be fun going in completely blind, hopefully it will be a good surprise.

  10. Oh wow. That’s a pretty impressive list! I completely share your weakness for the charity shop buys – because a lot of books I hear about and want to read have been on bestseller lists I ALWAYS find something in my local Oxfam. And it’s giving money to charity. Win win.

    Also, I absolutely love Atonement, quite jealous that you’re getting to read it for the first time! Enjoy 🙂

    • Thanks Sarah! Glad to know I’m not the only one that goes a little crazy in the charity shops. 😛 But they just have such good deals. I am also very partial to Oxfam, I just found a great one last year, and I always manage to come away with an armful of books! That’s a good point, I should think of it as giving to charity, that makes myself feel a lot better about my book buying spree’s!

      Ohh really? That’s great to hear. 🙂 I saw the film and loved it, and since I usually love the book more I’m really excited to get reading it!

      Thanks for commenting. 🙂

  11. Hey, you’re getting so many comments on this one, I think you’ve forgotten some of us near the top LOL!! I have to add to my comment – I got a new book in the mail today you might be interested in checking out. It’s called The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken, and it’s the first in a trilogy. It looks really good, and the reviews are awesome!

    • Ha ha I know it’s crazy! Lol, nahh I haven’t forgotten, I only had a little bit of time earlier so I was answering some of the shorter ones because they were quick! 😛

      Ooooh just looked it up, you’re right, it does look really cool! *Sigh* I seriously wish you had a book blog too, then I could see what you thought of it! 🙂

      Will probably answer your comment later today. 😉

  12. We just moved house and I packed three trailer loads of books (I think it was about 50 boxes)! I just couldn’t part with them 😦

    Those Charlaine Harris books are very colorful! 😉

    • Haha wow! That’s impressive. I know most normal people give their books away after they’ve read them, but it’s something that I can barely ever make myself do(unless it’s a really non-descript book I have no attachment to). So I would be exactly the same as you in that situation! 🙂

      Haha they do indeed, I love how they change in gradients with each book. 😛

      Thanks for commenting!

  13. Wow, that’s such an awesome haul. You’re very lucky! I’ve been wanting to read the Inkheart trilogy, and The Alchemist too. They seem great. I have a big pile of books left over from last year (didn’t have much time to read) and I’ve got seven new books currently being shipped! I’m hoping to read 40 books this year… so far, three down! 🙂

    • Thanks Zen! I’m pretty impressed by it, and also a little intimidated by the further growth of my tbr pile. 😛
      Well in that case, hopefully you will get to read them soon. 🙂 You’re right they do seem great, something that is only emphasized more by their pretty covers!
      Glad to know I’m not the only one with unread books toppling over into 2013, heck, I’ve still got books unread from more than five years ago. :S It’s a problem, but a pretty good one as far as problems go.

      Three down already? Woop, woop! You go girl, and happy reading. 😀

  14. YES TREASURE ISLAND YES INKHEART All of these look excellent, really. Books are always good for the soul. Oh, and sorry about how late this response is. College is gleefully dancing on the ashes of my free time right about now. Hope everything is going well!

    • Haha, indeed! 😀 I’m really looking forward to reading them. I’m glad you like the look of the other books too, they are definitely good for the soul. 🙂

      That’s alright no worries. I hope Collage let’s up a bit soon, everyone needs a bit of free time to stay sane! Everything is good thanks, but I go back to uni soon so my blog will probably go a bit stagnant again. 😛

  15. Ooooh all the pretty colours! 🙂
    The covers of most of those books look amazing! And I’m the same, I’m a complete sucker for books that have an antique/parchment-y type look about them 😀

    Strange enough I read up on Cornelia Funke’s background a few months back. She’s quite prolific so I’d be interested to hear what her writing’s like.
    Never heard of Butterfly Tattoo before, is this Pullman’s latest offering?

    • Haha indeed! 😀 That’s part of what attracted me to them although I also knew a lot of the author’s. Great minds think alike! That’s also one of the reasons I’m itching to start reading The Historian. 🙂

      Ohh really? I don’t know all that much about her even though I’ve read one of her books. Usually I tend to look into the author after I’ve read something but for some reason I didn’t in this case…

      No, neither had I! That’s why I’m so intrigued, I never really even realized that Pullman had done any other books apart from His Dark Materials and…is it Sally Lockheart or something like that… that you mentioned. But it seems he has actually written quite a lot. Butterfly Tattoo was apparently written in 1998 so it’s quite old. 🙂

  16. I was really really sad when I found the Inkspell series very very boring. I don’t know if it was the author themselves or how the books are translated into english flatty or what but it was really a downer. I love Neverending Story sort of books and this series just missed the boat of something wonderful with its plot to me.
    I was wondering with all the books you get who fast do you read books. My best time is about 600 pages in three days…

    • Ohh no, sorry to hear you were disappointed by Inkspell! That sounds very similar to how I felt about Reckless, I wasn’t sure if the feel of the story got a little lost in translation or whether the writing simply wasn’t my sort of thing. I was hoping Inkspell would be better…oh well. I LOVE The Neverending Story too! Such a brilliant story and concept.
      Ah, that is an excellent question. 🙂 I’m actually a pretty slow reader as obsessive bookworms go! I’m definitely faster than average person but I’m not one of those people that reads a hundred books a year (which is why my to-read pile is so out of control). I would say I get through about 100 pages a day on average so I find your 600 pages very impressive!

      Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. 🙂

      • Yep, the wording was just very dry and odd sounding even compared to your everyday dry english books. The pacing to was slow and took a great story idea somehow writing about everything but the parts that would be interesting. I didn’t read the other books in the series because I figured that they would all be written in the same tone even if the story got better somehow.
        Don’t worry too much that’s very much my ‘doing nothing but reading’ speed more than my everyday one.
        I need to find more of those leatherbound books. We don’t have a B&N where I live…

      • That sounds like a good call, if you don’t get on with the writing that’s going to be a consistent frustration throughout the entire series!
        Yes the leatherbound books are wonderful! I’m from the UK so we don’t have Barnes and Noble here, but luckily I’ve found that Waterstones stock a select few, otherwise the only place I can get them is Amazon, but they don’t have the full selection.

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