Thoughts On The Isle of Wight Festival!

Lets Talk Real Life 5

Hello bloggers! Some of you may have noticed my lack of internet presence for the past week or so, and some of you may have had far more interesting things to do and therefore not noticed at all. Either way this absence occurred because a friend and I decided to go on a mini adventure!

Way back in April, we both applied for voluntary work at the Isle of Wight Festival on a work for your ticket basis. As poor students we couldn’t exactly afford a ticket, so this was a great way of still getting the festival experience without the cost and with the bonus of something extra to pad out our CVs. We were both offered positions as back bar staff and then thought little more about it. But before we knew it summer arrived and we found ourselves packing our bags and taking the ferry over to the island.  Continue reading

Junk Food, Childhood Dreams and Movie Preferences.

Hey, how y’all doin’? 😀

(Sorry, occasionally I feel the need to use a southern accent, it just kind of pops out.)

Firstly I would like to thank you all for the great writing advise you gave me in a past post, it was really helpful and encouraging. I now have nearly 650 words drafted out, and I’m pretty excited about where this short story is going to go. 🙂

So moving on, yours truly has been tagged for the Liebester blogging award again twice by some fellow bloggers! I’ve already received these before so I feel like it would kind of be cheating to tag a load more bloggers again, but I thought that I’d answer the questions anyway, especially as there are some interesting ones. 🙂

If your feeling social, pop over to their sites and check these guys out!

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